Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

First Off Happy Fathers Day to all the great father's out there. This is one of the hardest days of the year for me! While most celebrate this day I never have. My father passed away 2 weeks after I was born, so I never got the opportunity to meet him. I guess GOD loved me so much he saved me the pain of meeting him then loosing him. Its hard when your dad is taken away from you by another human being and not from natural causes. I lived a long time with anger, anger that built inside because I found it unfair. As I got older I let go and accepted things! I don't hold a grudge against my uncle for taking my fathers life, I forgave him now its between him and GOD! My Lord will be the only one to judge him. If you read this cherish and appreciate your parents cause in life you only have one mother and one father. So on this day I wish my mom a happy Fathers Day! May my Dad Fernando Galo R.I.P

I never met you but I love you and miss you ALWAYS!!!!! I will one day see you in HEAVEN :)


  1. Wow!! Thats real sandy!! and BIG of you to share that info!! Just reading that, should give anyone a new outlook on LIFE!! Im a firm believer that Good can come from bad & Bad can come from good. In your case, being able to accept and let go makes you stronger, Thanks for sharing that, I have a lil daughter and im thankful for the 4 yrs we've shared and hope for many more, THANKS AGAIN!!

  2. I am sorry for the tragic way you lost your father. May his soul rest in peace. You are a very strong woman for confessing your feelings of anger and forgiving your uncle for taking your father's life. I lost my father last Saturday. I did not realize that this past father's day would be his last one here on Earth. I know that our fathers are smiling down on us right now. We will see them one day in heaven!
